However, in an effort to save some money I have REALLY tried to make coffee at home more often. D used to make me coffee almost every morning before work, but he has recently kicked the coffee habit and therefore no longer has the incentive to get himself out of bed (I can't say I blame him) And, unfortunately, I just have not mastered the French Press like he has...
That's when The Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, comes in with exactly what i've been looking for. The perfect recipe for the perfect DIY iced coffee.
I want to be Ree when I grow up.
I made a huge batch of this with One Village Coffee's"Smart Blend" and have been drinking it non stop.
I add a little bit of pure maple syrup for sweetness (not pancake syrup people...PURE maple syrup...huge difference) and some Silk Soy creamer....
Enjoy the recipe HERE...
I love her sour cream pancake recipe (omg yum). We'll be stuck on coffee till we're dead I think. The people of Portland take their espresso VERY seriously and as a result I'm addicted to a very expensive latte:( I'll buy a machine when I have a few extra grand laying around